Easy Tips to Save Money on Gas and Heating

Easy Tips to Save Money on Gas and Heating

Today’s energy prices seem completely out of control and choosing British Gas Tariffs can be confusing. Once you settle on a variable or fixed tariff you still need to figure out how to lower your utility expenses. Here are some tips to keep your heating and gas costs down.

Ways to Optimize your Heat and Keep the Cold Out

Radiator booster bundles are available for your radiators that are both stylish and functional. It draws wasted heat up from the back of the radiator and mixes it in with the heat already in the room. Insulation foil keeps heat loss to a minimum and savings are instantaneous. Included in the bundles is a letter box cover.

Optimum Window Insulation

Properly insulating your windows will save you a lot of money on gas and heating. Window insulation products include an easy to apply insulating film that keeps the wind and cold out of your home. The film is transparent so it will not look unsightly from the street. There is also the option for secondary glazing. This particular method is attached with magnets and is easily removed and repositioned.

Treat your Radiator Right and Reap the Benefits

Get an auto vent radiator bleeder. These gadgets will automatically release any extra air in the radiator so it will heat up completely every time. It is simple to install, has a modern design and as an added benefit can reduce noise and corrosion of your radiator. Each cartridge lasts around 3 – 4 years and can be easily replaced.

Insulate your Doors for more even Heat

Use an Eco flap on the inside of your door to cover your letter box. They are big enough to let everything in that would fit before, but secure enough that the wind will not sneak in. Draughts will not cause your thermostat to kick on if it is near the door, causing the rest of your home to overheat. You can also stop draughts with a double roll excluder. It fits under almost any door. The two foam rolls fit on either side and the whole things moves with the door. It will not get caught.

Solar Panels Provide Free Heat

Solar panels are something you can install yourself. They will soak up energy from the sun during the winter and transfer that into your home in the way you have directed it to. The sun’s heat and energy are free resources, so you should take advantage of it. DIY solar power kits come in all sizes. You can get a 20W Roof and deck kit that contains one panel, or go as big as a 120W solar power station that can power many different things for a few hours a day with a maximum of 600W. Learn more about fuel consumption and its usage, on this website: www.govtechnews.com